home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August 16, 2013 - Page 19 of 62 - << previous page : next page >>
Big Thunder is still moving along.  I did not make it onto the Mark Twain this trip so no views over the walls.
Big Thunder is still moving along. I did not make it onto the Mark Twain this trip so no views over the walls. Click to switch to large image view
Scaffolding lines the rooftops in Fantasyland as they work on hiding the safety railings.
Scaffolding lines the rooftops in Fantasyland as they work on hiding the safety railings. Click to switch to large image view
I was standing in the shade trying to tweet a picture and the Pearly Band showed up and took my spot.
I was standing in the shade trying to tweet a picture and the Pearly Band showed up and took my spot. Click to switch to large image view